Permanent solution for tooth loss
Dental implants represent a common procedure of permanently replacing missing teeth without affecting neighboring teeth.
With the help of dental implants, we can fully remedy tooth loss and thus strongly improve chewing and speaking abilities as well as restore a beautiful smile. Implants can also serve as carriers of a fixed dental bridge or denture.
For those with titanium intolerance, there is a metal-free option called CeraRoot.

Permanent solution
Improved chewing and speaking
Natural function and look
CeraRoot Metal-Free Available
Improved facial appearance
Prevention of bone loss
No special care required
Very sturdy and secure
No diet restrictions
Can be changed or updated
Below is one of the companies that we work with to provide dental payment plans. Whether you want to spread out payments on a crown or a filling, or need a payment plan for dental implants or general dental treatment - Care Credit dental payment plans will work with your monthly budget.
CareCredit offers 12 month interest free plans. You can click on their website link below to find out more, or just ask us - we can set up your payment plans in minutes from our office.
800-859-9975 Care credit link
Dental insurance can be confusing, and at times, frustrating. That’s why my team is trained in navigating the complexities of dental insurance plans. We work with most of the plans offered in the Detroit Area. From Delta Dental and Metlife Dental to United Concordia and all the Union plans - we have worked with them. If you have questions about your dental insurance coverage or would like to know if we are contracted with them, please call our office. We’d be happy to call them and find out for you. (586)-774-8090